Regular & Holiday Hours


Regular Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday                   8am - 5pm

8am - Noon
(no charge for the day)
1pm - 3pm
(includes a charge for the day)

If you pick up your dog before 1pm, there will not be a charge for that day.

Holiday Office Hours (Kennel care continues as usual)
New Year's Eve 8am - 1pm
New Year CLOSED*
Easter CLOSED*
Memorial Day CLOSED*
July 4th CLOSED*
Labor Day CLOSED*
Thanksgiving Eve 8am - 1pm
Thanksgiving CLOSED*
Christmas Eve 8am - 1pm
Christmas  CLOSED*


*On Easter, July 4th, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day, we cannot accept or release  pets from the kennel because the office is closed. The kennel is open on these days, so if your pet is here, he/she will receive the same care that is given on a regular day.